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Resource nameTaiwan Historica—Taiwan Provincial Administrative Executive Office Archives
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Taiwan Provincial Administrative Executive Office Archives keeps official records about the retrocession and reconstruction of Taiwan in the early years of the post-war period. It contains representative documents of Taiwan going into the transition period after the end of Japanese colonial rule. Although it only lasted a short while, its importance cannot be neglected. The files cover a wide variety of contents, these are divided into:

1. General affairs

2. Civil affairs

3. agriculture, forestry, finance and transport

4. industries and minerals

5. promotio

6. China-US relations

7. Taiwan Provincial Assembly and elections

8. repatriation, inspection and employment of Overseas Chinese and Japanese Chinese

9. reclamation of Japanese properties and institutions

10. laws and legislations

11. land affairs

12. appendix.

Out of all the files and documents of the departments and agencies of the Taiwan Provincial Government, the ones that received the most attention was the management of the 4,000-odd files of the " Taiwan Provincial Administrative Executive Office Archives" period. In August 1945, Japan surrendered unconditionally and Taiwan was returned to China. The Nationalist Government sent Chen Yi to take up the role of Chairperson of the Taiwan Provincial Administrative Executive Office to handle all the administrative affairs of Taiwan Province. On 20 September of the same year, the "Taiwan Provincial Administrative Executive Office Organizational Outline" set up the interim Taiwan Provincial Administrative Executive Office (hereafter as the Executive Office), under the jurisdiction of the Executive Yuan in preparation for taking over the administrative affairs and the establishment of the preparatory office. On 25 October the Taiwan Provincial Administrative Executive Office was established officially. In October 1946, the National Political Council proposed abolishing the Executive Office. In February 1947, the "228 Incident" occurred and shook the nation. On 22 April of the same year, in the 784th meeting of the Executive Yuan, the motion was passed to abolish the Taiwan Provincial Administrative Executive Office. On 16 May, Taiwan provincial Government was officially established and the Taiwan Provincial Administrative Executive Office abolished on the same day. Taiwan Provincial Administrative Executive Office officially became a part of history.

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