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Resource nameNational Taiwan University-Legal Archive Database
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The Legal Archive Database project is a sub-project of the Taiwan Database for Empirical Legal Studies (TaDELS). The Legal Archive Database project collects files from a variety of significant 20th century human rights incidents, as well as legal and law-related documents—contracts, agreements, certificates, announcements, etc.—actually used by Taiwanese people from varied social milieux over the decades.

The Legal Archive Database contains data of three main categories: Important Human Rights Incidents Archive, Legal Documents Archive, and Special Legal Issues Archive. The “Important Human Rights Incidents Archive” consists of significant and representative cases of human rights in Taiwan across the fields of politics, judicial proceedings, gender, environment, ethnic groups, education, medical treatment, labor, economic welfare, and disable people. For example, it includes verdicts, notes and other judicial proceeding documents of Formosa Incident and documents from civil and criminal trials related to the PCB Mass Poisoning Incident. The “Legal Documents Archive” collects legal documents that people encounter in their daily lives, such as contracts, notice, certificate, etc.. It is divided into eight categories :

1. Personal Safety

2. Personal Status

3. Sale and Lease

4. Financial and Insurance

5. Employment

6. Dispute Resolution

7. Government Promotion on Laws and Regulations

8. Miscellaneous.

CooperationNational Taiwan University