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Resource nameAletheia University—Dr. George Mackay and Oxford College Database—Journals
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For the purposes of his missionary work, Reverend George Leslie Mackay established a new education regime, in which women were given the opportunity to learn and receive education. He also introduced Western culture, new plants and new medical resources to Taiwan, and established 60 Presbyterian churches in the greater Taipei region. This research proposal incorporated and digitalized precious resource collections from the History Museum of Aletheia University: "Mackay's Handwritten Daily Records of His Missionary Experience in Taiwan" (30 documents), including 12 copies of the English version and the content of the Chinese translation (electronic version), documents and books related to Mackay's missionary work and over 400 photographs; together with historical documents and photographs of Mackay's biography, church mission, introduction of medical knowledge and skills and education reform (around 90 entries). If you would like to access the University's digital archive, please apply officially to Aletheia University, stating the content needed, the purpose of use and the resolution etc. After receiving the official application, we will reply and proceed with the authorization process.

CooperationTaiwan Historica