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Resource nameLi Tien-Lu Hand Puppet Theatrical Foundation—The Puppet Master— Li Tien-Lu Precious Artifact and Audio-Visual Resource Digital Archiv
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In the development process of the puppet theater in Taiwan,Li Tien-Lu is probably one of its most important representatives, and he holds a significant place in the field of traditional folk art. Mr. Li's contribution to folk art cannot be doubted, but the abundant cultural heritage that was left behind are from times long past, and usual preservation methods cannot prevent discoloration and decay of the items with the passage of time. Undoubtedly, digitalization is a crucial method in preserving cultural heritage. Therefore, the systematic digitalization of the precious images and artifacts left behind by Li Tien-Lu, establishment of a national archive website and the inclusion of the digitalized resources into the union catalogue of digital archives could not be delayed. Not only was it for the preservation for the records and artifacts of Taiwan's cultural heritage, but it is also the culture passing down.

The plan, " Li Tien-Lu Precious Artifacts and Audio-Visual Resources Digital Archives Plan" was organized and implemented to fulfill the above idea. The main objective is the preservation, access, inheritance and sharing of the cultural heritage of Li Tien-Lu and I-Jan-Wan. Their job duties include organizing and cataloguing the audio files, photographs, scripts and other rare resources never been seen before by the public from the Li Tien-Lu 's family and the foundation, and to digitalize these resources using new digital filming technology including "high dynamic range image composition" and "Full HD digital recording".

CooperationLi Tien-Lu Hand Puppet Theatrical Foundation