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Resource nameInstitute of Sociology,Academia Sinica—Digital Archive for Memories and Narratives of Taiwan
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This database is the first national digital archive about living experiences and artifacts of Taiwan "mainlanders". The topics include:

1. The Homeland Returning Movement: the origin and history of Homeland Returning Movement for the military veterans, mainlanders and for all in general.

2. Individual records about homeland visiting: personal letters (original), personal letters (pastiches and essays), written works by mainlander women.

3. The legacies of the Dachen Islands: the history of the resettlement in Taiwan by Dachen Islanders, their believe systems and temples brought to and reconstructed in Taiwan

4.The case of Shandong exiled students of Yantai United High School in Penghu: the 713 Penghu Incident, the after-effects and the subsequent case of the "Taichung Station Protest Incident".

5.The navy White Terror incident: oral records of the survivors of the "Fengshan Navy’s Hostel".

6.Public cemeteries of Mainlander White Terror victims: The Liuzhangli burial site, and Green Island's “The 13th Squadron” burial site.

Contrasting vestiges of Taiwan's Mainlanders' cultural activities are presented through the research into cultural locations and major incidents as described above. The archive sets to bring about political introspection for this "over-politicized" group. From the perspective of the common people, the records and memories which had been ostracized by the country's politics are now included, so that individual experiences and emotions can be narrated and discussed publicly, so that the emotions and identity of people, among other facets can be seen. Currently the collection holds over 6890 entries.

CooperationInstitute of Sociology, Academia Sinica